Casa Online

Women Arise

women Arise

This is a comprehensive program that gives women the opportunity to solve very important and practical problems in their lives, which include self-esteem, anger management and conflict resolution.
CASA is committed to helping women to achieve integral growth so that they can develop and relate effectively within their different social circles: as individuals, in the family, workplace and the community as whole.


A program to develop leadership skills in women as they take charge of their own lives. An excellent confidence-building program to make them more aware of their achievements and skills, and to teach them how to find the positive side of negatives.
Empowering women into leadership to influence change and shape the future.
We encourage women to take stronger ownership of their career and accelerate their leadership pathway.

Learning to Live

A program for women to discover and develop their skills, in order to make changes in their lives, which will enable them to enjoy their roles within the family, the workplace and other social interactions.

Business Potential

A program to train and encourage women who want to develop as businesswoman, so they can enrich their lives, achieve economic success and contribute to society.


Counselling can and may take many different formats to bring a person to a better understanding of them self and others.
Many people seeking counselling have problems or experiences in their life, which they find difficult to overcome. These experiences and problems prevent the person moving forward in their life.
Counselling helps the person face the effects of experiences and seek ways to overcome them.

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