Casa Online

Our Structure

A community-based Management Committee, formed of five volunteer members, governs CASA. The committee is accountable to the policies of the organisation and is given powers by the organisations’ Articles of Incorporation. The committee’s work is coordinated by the chair and it may organise itself into various committees responsible for carrying out different operations.
“It is a privilege to be part of an organisation that has been making a positive difference in the community. As leaders, our goal is to generate sustainable performance. And we are committed to leaving CASA even stronger for the generations who follow us.”
-Management Committee

For more information about the committee and its members, please contact

  • Committee Members: Committee members have the power and responsibility to make decisions, provide strategies, direct and supervise the organization. They also define the policy, which is then carried out by the Executive Director (CEO).
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO): The CEO is responsible for liaising with the Management Committee and for carrying out their instructions, as well as for overseeing the people who run the programs. Manages and leads the development of policy and procedures, organisational strategy, service design, reform and adherence to Commonwealth and ACT legislative and regulatory requirements.
  • Administration: Organises and meets the administration requirements of the organisation. CASA’s administration is made up of volunteer staff that oversees all programs.
  • Manager: The Manager will be responsible for managing and implementing strategies that mobilize people to give, advocate and volunteer. Manages strategies for engagement of people (both in and out of the workplace) in opportunities to support CASA’s community goals.
  • Coordinator: The Community Coordinator provides community development, advocates for community members, assists clients directly with information and referral services, and facilitates an awareness of social needs and trends within the community. Coordinators also evaluate programs offered to ensure compliance with CASA outcomes measurement.
  • Support Worker/Facilitator: Support worker or facilitator will facilitate the discussion and agreement of group rules. Facilitation will help the group identify what is important to each member in terms of how the group goes about achieving its purpose.
CASA’s Management Committee members, as well as their dedicated volunteers, are extremely working hard and is demonstrating a total commitment to CASA and the community. The members and volunteers go to great lengths by serving the community with essential requirements.

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