Casa Online

Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation

Monthly Giving

Becoming a Sustaining Donor by making a recurring monthly donation will make a real difference to the work that CASA does.
Our monthly donors provide us with a reliable and sustainable source of funds to help us effectively plan and provide innovative services and programs that help people with specific needs. They also give us the possibility of offering information resources and awareness campaigns to improve the lifestyle as an individual, family and community.

How does it work?

Our monthly giving program is the most effective way to assist us in making a difference in people’s life. Each month we will debit your credit card or bank account with the amount you specify. You can increase, decrease or cancel your donation at any time by contacting your bank or us.

How can I donate on a regular basis?

You can deposit your monthly donation directly into our bank account by using the details below:
Bank: Westpac
Account: Community Action Services Australia Inc.
Payment Description: Surname or Company Name

General Account BSB: 032-072
Account: 126776

Emergency Relief Account
BSB: 032-072
Account: 705225
A tax deductible receipt of your donation can be provided if you email you full name, address and phone number to Alternatively, call us on 02 8798 2853 or 0415 356 847

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