Casa Online

Money Wise

Money Wise

This program raises awareness of the benefits that good management of money offers to control the financial future making a significant impact on the participants’ life.

Financial Counselling

To make a significant impact on the lives of participants through professional advice on how to be in control of debts. You can see the Financial Counsellor by appointment ONLY. Please contact us on 02 8798 2853 or 0415 356 847 or

Money Management

To motivate people to improve their standard of living by using their own money to best advantage through educational workshops and interactive tools to help low-incomers on the path to financial success. Attending money management seminars can be a good first step to experience financial freedom.

Budgeting and Setting Goals

To gain basic skills in budgeting, developing a spending plan and goal setting to create a solid foundation for a successful financial future. Your budget helps you to discover where you are spending your money and make necessary changes so that you stop overspending.

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