Casa Online

Help Now

Emergency Relief 'Help Now'

Help Now program provides emergency relief in times of hardship to people of our community. Emergency relief helps addresses people immediate basic needs in times of financial strife, generally provided in the form of material and financial aid.
This program provides support in areas such as:
  • Purchase vouchers of a fixed value (for example, food, transport or chemist vouchers).
  • Part-payment of an outstanding account (for example rent/accommodation, utility account/s).
  • Material assistance such as food hamper.
  • Information, advocacy and referrals.

This program also aims to prevent future financial strife by referring people to appropriate financial and social support services.

CASA is committed to helping disadvantaged and marginalised people in the community through efficient services to enhance their wellbeing, so that they can successfully integrate into their social circles.

Program Objectives:

To empower families to become self-reliant by providing short-term assistance to resolve their immediate crisis followed by continued support to attain financial stability and self-reliance.
  • To help people in need, so that not only the person seeking assistance benefits, but also the family, thus creating a healthier society.
  • To improve the conditions in which people live relieving them of poverty, sickness, suffering, distress and misfortune.
  • To alleviate the impact of food shortage in our community, providing a box of food or food vouchers to individuals and families who are unable to afford the basic food for their daily consumption.

Criteria for Eligibility:

Financial support can be accessed by EVERYONE experiencing financial hardship and all support is free and confidential.

We require the following documentation in our appointments:

  • Centre link recent Statement (proof of income).
  • Recent Bank Statement.
  • Any bills and invoices you need to pay.
  • 100 identification points (Driver Licence 60 points, Passport 50 points, Certificate of Australian citizenship 50 points, Medicare card 40 points).
Due to COVID-19 you need to Register Online (please add documentation) or make an appointment over the phone 02 8798 2853 or 0415 356 847.
We sincerely thank our valued funders and sponsors for their generous donation and partnering with us to establish our new program ‘Help Now’, which is a Emergency Relief program to alleviate the impact of COV19 in people lives.
CASA honours and appreciates its funders and sponsors greatly and their continued support allows CASA to deepen it commitment to helping the community of Greater Western Sydney.

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