Casa Online

Get Involve

Sponsor Us

CASA is a non-profit charitable organisation that depends on the support of the local businesses and companies like yours.
You will have the chance to increase your company’s presence and take advantage of networking opportunities while demonstrating your commitment to CASA and the community.

Food Donation

We accept donations of non-perishable food and grocery from the community and people who host food drives.
We accept donations of food and groceries from farmers, manufacturers and retailers throughout the South Western Sydney area.

Donate Your Time

Volunteering has many benefits. It is all about making a difference in your community and it also benefits you personally, as it offers the chance to help others, using existing skills or learning new ones. We value the contribution of our volunteers and we provide them with training and work references.

Partner with Us

We believe in Partnership. We are not looking for “clients” or “customers” but for partners. We believe in long-term relationships that bring value to both organisations.

Making a cooperative or coordinated effort by a group of people acting together as a team working in the interest of the common cause... helping the community!

Together We Can Achieve More

Join Us Now

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