Casa Online

Fitness In Action

Fitness In Action

Fitness in Action is a Dietary & Physical activity program, which aims to promote a fit and healthy lifestyle, addressing obesity, taking preventative measures to improve the physical and mental health of people within the community.
The Project promotes healthy exercise and safe recreation activities that include:

  • Health Assessment
  • Cooking Demonstrations
  • Nutritional Workshops
  • Support Groups


Health Assessment

Includes at least one test to measure each of the five components of fitness: body composition, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance.It also evaluate body mass index; resting heart rate and blood pressure; and cardiovascular fitness.


Cooking Demonstrations

Promotes healthy eating for optimal well-being. The sessions are engaging, fun and educational by making delicious and healthy cook.

Nutritional Workshops

Participants become aware of their lifestyle and have a clearer understanding of healthy and nutritious eating.

Support Groups

CASA’s support groups provide assistance to lose weight and to acquire healthy habits to allow people to achieve a much better lifestyle. Support groups allow people to interact and connect with others who are in a similar situation. Sharing information about mutual experiences can help people understand more about their own situation and provide an opportunity to feel ‘heard’.
Support groups can help in many ways:
  • Make you feel you’re not alone.
  • Provide emotional and social support.
  • Help develop new skills to deal with the situation.
  • Allow the sharing of information.
  • Discuss topics like symptoms, treatment and side effects.
  • Learn from others in a similar situation and receive advice.
  • Tips on how to live with your condition or illness which can provide motivation.

Fitness Programs

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