Casa Online

Cool At School

Cool At School

Cool@School is an educational program created for young children, aged between 6 and 8 years. It has been designed to be run at the school premises during school hours preferably, using one of the school classrooms or other appropriate room, with a duration of 10 sessions to be run in a period of 3-4 weeks where is possible, depending on school availability.
The number of children participating during the program is around 10 to 15 maximum per class, they must be selected by the participating school.


  • Create awareness in children aged 6-8 years old, of the importance of continually having healthy eating habits, undertaking physical activity throughout their life and other healthy behaviours such as appropriate sleeping hours, good hygiene, etc.
  • Reduce the rate of overweight and obesity among small children in our local community through consistent education.
  • Integrate children in a healthy environment, where they can learn the basic aspects of health for a better life.
If any school is interested in doing this program, please contact us at 02 8798 2853 or

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